
Sunday 4 December 2011

#How i use my FB

The whole world runs ahead of me if i dont check my Facebook. It has become a must. Everything from social musings to serious acads stuff fly around in FB. The rules are clear. Everything is here being used by everyone, its up to you whether you want to be a part of it. Actually here you dont have a choice you got to be on Facebook.
I spend about an hour on Facebook everyday and i definitely dont spend that time chatting with someone. Its a pain typing all that stuff. I would go for a call or a hangout. Thanks to the news feed section that i get all you-should-know stuff directly on my home page. So what do i do? I browse, which few call stalking. Stalking is a serious word. Well i visit profiles and check them out. Girls keep their pics open for guys like me to check them out and there is no wrong. I feel one of the main reasons why Orkut went down was that recent visitors stuff that you have. I would like to know who visited my profile but i dont want to the  girl to know that i visited her profile. Why? Because if the girl is cute, i visit her profile very often. If this system like orkut was existing on FB, then she will block me(if shez stupid). May be Zuckerberg had all these stuff in his mind.
Its very rare that you find good looking girls on FB. Thanks to my sincere friends who message me the link if they find one. Well i dont poke them. There is this category of girls who dont put their profile pictures. I know a girl who put Kristen Stewart as her profile pic and Emma Watson as her cover. What the fuck was that? It is totally stupid. Well may be their are not confident about their looks. Or maybe they think their profile looks better with a better display picture which in fact is stupid. 
To such girls: Your profile looks fake and plastic with those pics. Yes i get it. Deep inside you might want to another Emma Watson but lets accept it.
One of the girls in my list puts up a status: beauty lies in the eyes not in the body.
Here comes the importance of your display pic. See in real life, guys look from bottom to top.Your face comes last. First your curves. So beauty-lies-in-the-eyes part comes late. Where as in FB you have this chance of putting your face in the box. So your face comes first. Now you can keep you pics open showing your curve. Either this girl knows the logic or she copied it from some girl who knows the logic.

Status update:
60000+ words are allowerd. You might want to check out this post. yes its good for journalists but seems very odd when one of your friends who is not any kind of journalist tries to make a record. Man start a blog, why screw with that poor box. Sometimes its awkward when i get see half the people in my list with the same status and particularly when it is totally dumb. This status was being shared by the girls in my profile which says somethng like this 'I know i am dumb, i cry, i love  kids, i cannot drive that well, i cannot open a can..blah blah blah.. coz i am a girl. Guys should understsnd that and stop making fun'.. Dude common, no girl can be that dumb. You should atleast put a PS telling 'I am exaggerating'. You looking for pity? No guys dont like dumb girls. Not me atleast.
There is always this one person who provides you enetertainment through his statuses. yeah cool we need him.

Why the hell did this guy subscribe to my updates? God i dont know him. Its still a mystery. I dont subscribe to cute girls but i do bookmark them. Subscribing brings in all those stupid posts but bookmarking allows you to give a timely visit looking for any new updates in her album. I am subscribed to all my fav bloggers. They are awesome.

FB has not defined poke anywhere on the site. So it gives us the freedome to assume.Its a gesture of action of tapping and/or softly jabbing another person with the tip of your finger or a pointy object. This is usually done to gain this particular person’s attention, and is commonly used as a form of teasing, joking around with, or annoying another person. Perfect. I cannot regularly exchange messages with hundreds on friends everyday. Their are those who pop up sometimes accusing you of forgetting them openly on your wall. Well dude forgetting is a mutual phenomenon. We forgot each other so why spoil my wall. But they dont understand the logic. So here comes Poke. Poke them. It gives them a feeling that you are alive. I see poke as tool to check if the user is alive. Coz your FB profile doesn't die with you. It will be there for few months before getting deactivated. What was running in Zuckerberg's mind when he put this feature.

There are a hell lot of features that i want to describe. Let it be in the coming posts. What do you think? I wonder how a typical girl uses her FB. Comment!!

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